“Won’t You Let Me Take You on a Sea Cruise” Amazing Alaska – Day 2

Shortly after Gerry agreed to join Lulu & I on this trip, he said, “I was talking to a friend of mine, who said the BEST part of his trip to Alaska was a cruise to see the glaciers and whales, but I told him that my wife would never do that.” “Well,” says I, “that’s the first thing I booked.” He was shocked … because I am a hopeless victim of chronic seasickness. Flying, driving, train travel, parasailing, hover boarding, bumpin’ up & down in my little red wagon … I’M PERFECTLY FINE, but put me any water craft, and I’m Not Good.

But … God only knows when I would ever get this opportunity again, so I took the advice of MANY, booked it anyway, and planned to take the Dramamine to make it happen. Although I was dubious, these came highly recommended:

And, in the Lolo & Lulu Grand Tradition of “Go Big or Go Home”, I chose the longest possible cruise (8.5 hours). I wore the wristbands, took another “less drowsy” version Dramamine tablet, and also brought along a whole bag of Dramamine ginger chews. (I shoulda been a Boy Scout!)

Here’s the vessel that would take us for the day … My social media post of this photo included the caption: “Wrist bands, don’t fail me now!” Best news EVAH: THEY WORKED!! Nary a sign of seasickness; I even sat outside for large periods of time!

Going forward in this post, I will share several photos for your pleasure viewing, with minimal text. (It’s a cruise. There’s water. And scenery. And some animals. You’ll get it. 😉 )


Just gorgeous ….


8 hours on the water sure did tucker the three of us out ….

In retrospect, I probably could have skipped that “less drowsy” Dramamine tablet. LOL

A word about wildlife sightings: We saw plenty … puffins, eagles, dolphins, orcas, humpback whales, etc. but I wasn’t prepared for the old men pushing me out of the way to get to the rails and get a better view. LOL Most of those images will have to live in my memory, and not in photos or videos.

A word about the weather: We were so lucky: It was sunny & between 50 & high 60’s all week. God is good! 🙂

This wonderful cruise makes one stop, near the end of the trip, at Fox Island, where they provided an ample dinner of salmon cakes & veggies. Here’s an aerial view of Fox Island, showing the boat dock and canteen.

All in all, an absolutely fabulous time. THANK YOU (once again) Jim for the recommendation, and THANK YOU Kenai Fjords Tours for doing it right!

When we were finally reunited back at our hotel (another story for another day … maybe 😉 ), all I could say was “Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!”

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