Chicago, Chicago, that Toddlin’ Town (Part 1)


When I booked my trip to see my daughter in the culmination show of her Second City Comedy program, I specifically chose to go on my birthday!  What a BETTER DAY than that to celebrate having such a wonderful child and watching her pursue her dreams!  Born in ’58, and turning 58, I knew it would be a great weekend, and I was more than right!

My 6:00 AM flight (yes, that is correct) took off on time, and 2 hours later, I awoke from a lovely nap, and it was only 7:00 AM in Chi-town.  Whoo hoo!!


Lulu seemed RARIN’ TO GO!!

A few hours later, however, Lulu was just too pooped to pop, and decided to have a nap at the hotel, skipping the day’s adventure.


Nighty-night, Lulu!

(OK, true confession … I COMPLETELY forgot to put Lulu back in my purse for the day after this photo.  Shhhhhhhh!!  Don’t tell her!)

Of the MANY things available to Joe Tourist in Chicago, I chose the Art Institute Museum … supposed to be one of the best in the world, and reputation did not disappoint!


My fabulous companions for the day at the Art Institute!!  Mary in the middle, flanked by her boyfriend, Mike, and her bestie, Alyssa, who I’ve known since their Freshman year at Five Towns College.  Such lovelies!

Some of the highlights of the Art Institute:


Seurat’s “A Sunday Afternoon …” (the painting upon which Sondheim’s “Sunday in the Park with George” is based)


Andy Warhol’s “Elizabeth Taylor”


and Grant Wood’s “American Gothic”.  Very cool to see!

A quick battery charging for all of us, and a little bit of lunch, and we were off to see The Bean!!  For those who don’t know, this is an enormous stainless steel sculpture of a bean, that attracts people like moths to a flame.  We snapped several shots here, but I loved the one that became a natural “selfie” of Mary & I.  🙂

20160611_155347 Yes, we’re LOOKING AT OUR REFLECTIONS in the The Bean here! 🙂

 My fabulous birthday wrapped up at dinner with Mary & Mike!  My Mum always said, “There is no such thing as a coincidence”, which proved mighty true when Mike’s boss’ recommendation for dinner for us turned out to be a half a block away from my hotel.  IN ALL OF CHICAGO … my birthday dinner was located a few dozen steps away from where I was staying!!

half shell

After a DELICIOUS dinner of scallops (my favorite!!), it was back to the hotel for beddy-bye for me!  A PERFECT END to an OUTSTANDING BIRTHDAY!!!  Tomorrow I get to see Mary’s show!!  Yee haw!  🙂

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