The 50 States Quest Goes On! “The bluest skies you’ve ever seen, in Seattle!” (but, boy was it HOT!) — Day 1

Wow! After the last Year Plus of the Covid-19 Pandemic, and the school year I just finished, getting to TRAVEL again has been a privilege and blessing beyond measure!!

Yes, yes, that is, in fact, the Seattle Space Needle comin’ outta Lulu’s head! The skies were as blue as proclaimed in the theme song to “Here Come the Brides”, but we arrived in Seattle for our short 2-day stay during a RECORD HEAT WAVE! By the time we arrived at the Space Needle, the THERMOMETER NEEDLE was hitting almost 100 degrees F!

We began our weekend meeting up with a High School friend, Mike Limanni and his lovely wife, Darlene!

It always amazes me how readily people are willing to pose with Lulu. She’s got that “Special Something”! LOL

We met at Papaya Renton, a Vietnamese restaurant, a scant 5 minutes from our hotel in Renton, Washington. (ps~ Washington State is my _41st_ state to visit!!) The heat was keeping most people away, and we had the place to ourselves. A nice meal and a great reunion of old friends and newly met friends! THANK YOU, Mike & Darlene. It was FABULOUS to spend time with you!!

Mike & Darlene & Lulu & Gerry & Lolo. What a 5-some! Mike & Darlene have a similar “Gnome” which appears regularly in photos, named “Hoochie Mamma.” LOL (Lulu, you may have gained a nickname!)

After lunch, we were on the road north to downtown Seattle, and the Space Needle & Chihuly Glass Gardens, both for which I had pre-purchased tickets online. We did what we could to find shade …

… and it was a gorgeous site, both from the ground …

… and from the sky!

We proceeded to the Chihuly Gardens — after sweating through the line for the place (yay for 99 degrees! LOL) — and the glass sculptures were fabulous. Here’s a sampling:

The glass sculpture is red; Gerry’s in the green. 😉

We skipped the outside portion of the exhibit — Lulu was begging to remain in air conditioning, and we were happy oblige. (When in doubt, ALWAYS blame it on the doll. LOL)

By then, our body clocks were registering the East Coast time of about 8:30 PM, and we were ready for dinner, no matter what the Seattle clock read, so we drove over to our dinner location, and were able to adjust our reservation and were seated immediately.

Assaggio is a sweet Italian place, that’s spacious and offered good food after a long day. Two thumbs up all around!

We ended the day, rather exhausted, in our hotel room (located on the southern shore of Lake Washington), with a stunning view of the sunset!

(Just be happy I am only posting 6 of the 27 photos I took!! LOL)

Busy day tomorrow! Looking forward to seeing more of Seattle!

7 thoughts on “The 50 States Quest Goes On! “The bluest skies you’ve ever seen, in Seattle!” (but, boy was it HOT!) — Day 1”

  1. FABULOUS!!! Thank you, Hon, for posting great pictures and all…so we can see you and Gerry sweating your way through the “Supposed To Be” Northwest! Fun anyway!
    Will you be back for my birthday on the 30th??? I hope so.

  2. Of course you went out west during a heat wave!! LOL I love reading your posts and seeing your pictures!! Stay cool!! 🙂

  3. We had a great time with you and Gerry, Lolo! Thank you so much for contacting us and for the meet up! Sorry it was so hot… We’ll try to do a little better next time! 😎

    1. Mike! We had a great time seeing you, too. THANK Darlene for being such a good sport. We don’t blame you for the heat, my dear. Makes for a good story!! Our friend on Mercer Island (thankfully!!) has air conditioning, so our visit with her was extra delightful! LOL We were also lucky lucky, from what I understand: Our flight to Alaska was FINE on Monday morning, but many flights were cancelled completely! Apparently the tarmac was MELTING!! Be well … hope to see you again!

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