Day Twelve: Homeward Bound … !

Our flight was scheduled for 9:35 AM, so it meant a VERY early start to our day, even though we were only a 10 minute shuttle ride from our airport terminal.   At a little after 7 AM, we sat with our luggage just inside the door at the Bay Landing Hotel, awaiting the shuttle, when I got email notification that our flight would be delayed 2 hours, due to a weather issue. (Ugh.)

Nonetheless, we caught the shuttle to

checked our big bag, and took up residency at the Virgin America terminal for what wound up being 3+ hours, instead of merely 2.

Meanwhile, I had been keeping a pretty good secret.  Ummm … since FEBRUARY!    I’d thought about it … A LOT … and thought to myself:  We’re going to be in the car — and away from home! — for almost 2 weeks.   The flight from San Francisco to Newark is 6 hours.  Yeah … I’m going to get us First Class seats for the trip home. (!!!)  I saved my pennies for months (OK, my twenties  LOL) to pay for the car rental and the First Class plane tickets, and … was it worth it?

Virgin American First Class:

Welp … I did my best (and succeeded) in keeping the secret until we were actually on the plane.  I made NO MOVE for the gate when they finally announced boarding, and called for First Class passengers.  The list continued a few more groups, and got up to go when they announced “anyone with Priority boarding”. (Gerry: We do??  Me: Yup)

We stepped on to the plane, and I said, “Here we are!  1F and 1D.”

Gerry: This is us???!!!?

Me: Yes, it is.

Gerry: Isn’t this First Class?????

(I’m now holding my breath, because I’ve been thinking — since February — that this could REALLY go either way … either he’ll be completely thrilled, or pissed off that it cost more money.)

Me: Yes

Gerry:  Holy SHIT!!!  First Class are you sure?? …. HOLY SHIT!!!

We had become, at that moment, the Clampetts. 

He “Holy Shit”ted a few more times, and we settled in to our spacious, comfortable seats, and enjoyed amenities galore, including a full meal, free on-demand movies, hot towels, blanket & pillow … literally soup (gazpacho) to nuts (mixed)!

You might not be able to tell that he’s smiling, but … he IS, and he’s waving, and this is after the 2nd or 3rd Holy Shit.  🙂  Neither had ever flown First Class before … and I highly doubt we will again … but it seemed like a really great way to end a vacation such as the one we’d experienced.

Bottom line, it was worth it.  😀

Six hours later … our son John picked us up from the airport, and around 9 PM EDT on Friday, July 14, 2017, it was:

This brings our little Travel with Lolo, Lulu & Gerry to a close.  Thanks for following, viewing and reading, friends and followers!  Hope you’ve had as much fun reading as I have had writing!

Happy Traveling! 

2 thoughts on “Day Twelve: Homeward Bound … !”

  1. Lovely! The icing on the cake of a wonderful trip. Much more memorable than being stuffed into coach. ?

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