Chicago, Chicago, that Toddlin’ Town! (Part 3)


With another day and a half in the Windy City to go, we settled down after the EXCITEMENT of Mary’s Second City show to some “On Our Own” sight-seeing on the Hop On-Hop Off bus. Gerry posed with Lulu on the open air upper deck.  We started off at the Hard Rock Cafe!  And awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay we go!


Do you have any idea how it feels to look up towards the top of the tallest building in Chicago (and the 14th tallest building in the WORLD) when you’re only 6 inches high?? (My view from Lolo’s purse)  This is now called the Willis Tower, FYI, having been purchased by the Willis Group Holdings Ltd., and renamed in 2009 — although most people do STILL call it the Sears Tower.

We saw several sights, but decided to STOP at the Shedd Aquarium, located just beside Lake Michigan!20160613_125326


Lulu had loads of fun saying “Hello!” to the many creatures at the Aquarium.  It was “Free Illinois Resident Day”, so the place was mighty crowded, but we made the best of our time at the Shedd!!  🙂


We “hopped off” the bus for the last time at Water Tower Place, a vertical Mall!!  Once there we found an Art Gallery called “The Art of Dr. Seuss”!!!  A big fan, Lulu just HAD to pose with a drawing of “The Cat in the Hat”!

Shortly thereafter, we met up with Mike & Mary again, and ventured into the Chicago Sports Museum.  What FUN!!!

Here’s Lulu being wacky at three exhibits ….


Trying Refrigerator Perry’s Superbowl ring … on her LEG!  LOL


Comparing her “wingspan” to Scotty Pippin’s … !!!  NOT an exact match … 🙂


And posing wearing Michael Jordan’s Bull’s uniform!  Heehee … it was AMAZING adding 6 whole FEET to my height way up there!!

After a wonderful dinner at Harry Carey’s Restaurant, we ventured back to Mary’s apartment, but not before stopping off at Wrigley Field for a photo op with Mary, Mike & Gerry!


All in all, it was a WONDERFUL vacation … filled with so many happy memories!!  Certainly a fitting “final image” was the PHOTO OP stumbled upon by Lulu … the VERY SPOT where the final moment of the film “While You Were Sleeping” was filmed …





2 thoughts on “Chicago, Chicago, that Toddlin’ Town! (Part 3)”

  1. You are lucky and sweet woman with nice family. Congratulations! You must be very, very proud. Enjoy!

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