Only 6 Miles from Broadway!

We are very fortunate to live so close to NYC, and have the culture and arts available in just a short jaunt.  (OK, so, ya, sometimes it could take an HOUR to drive those 6 miles, but still!!)

Broadway tickets are pretty expensive, so it’s not something I do very often, but when I do attend, I most certainly avail myself of one of the various opportunities to obtain discount tickets, usually the Theatre Development Fund’s TKTS booth (there are 3 … I’ve only ever visited  the one in Times Square, but they exist in both South Street Seaport and Brooklyn, as well).

I had my heart set on seeing Jessica Lange and Gabriel Byrne, who are currently starring in that madcap wacky comedy, Eugene O’Neill’s “Long Days Journey into Night” (I’m kidding … it’s a nearly 4 hour long serious Draaaaaaaahhhmaaaaa).  Many Tony nominations — and I know how this goes: Once the Tonys happen, ::POOF:: things will start closing left & right, depending upon how much more they can milk out of a win, IF they get one.   I know that these stars are not long for this production, and had heard wonderful things, so ………………………. the decision was made to try & see it on Sunday.

Got our tix (well … since Lulu lives in my pocketbook, only ONE ticket was needed ;-), and headed to the theatre.

lulu bwayLulu looks kinda funny, juxtaposed next to the gloomy & serious playbill, but she doesn’t seem to mind.

Here is what matters most about my afternoon:

  • Loved the performances, all 5 actors, but particularly Miss Jessica Lange
  • Glad I went

And here … copied & pasted … is the Facebook post of the experience, which was somewhat LESS than savory:

Jessica LangeFrom my Facebook, May 29, 2016

“Going to the theatre today was a bit of a “good news/bad news” situation. On the GOOD side, got to see the incredible (and incredibly LONG) Broadway revival production of “Long Day’s Journey Into Night”, starring the phenomenal Gabriel Byrne, and the stunning-in-every-way, Jessica Lange as “Mary Tyrone.” I mean, she was everything I’d hoped she’d be in the role, and 10 times more. She’s won a bunch of other awards over the years, and this year, she’ll add “Tony Award” to her trophy case. 

 And, on the “Bad News” side … Patti Lupone was right. Theatre goers these days suck. 🙁 Despite 17 announcements a minute (I counted!!!), cell phones still went off during the show, including the woman next to me, and someone about 4 rows away had the loud “Cha-Cha” ringtone go off in the middle of Jessica’s monologue near the end of Act 1. Rang about 15 times as the usher flew down the aisle to try to silence it. God bless Ms. Lange for carrying on. Several people unwrapped snacks & candy throughout … I was sandwiched in between a woman who kept her large satchel-sized purse on her lap subsequently poking me in the left side, and a woman on my right, who kept shifting in her seat. When she shifted in my direction, her left ass cheek was in my lap. I know you think I am kidding, but, alas, I am not.

The coup de gras came when Satchel Lady (to my left) was discussing with her husband how much longer of the show must be left at intermission. (Says he, “Probably only a half hour, I’d guess”) I informed them that the show was 3 hours & 47 minutes (much to her horror.) (Hello?? LONG day’s journey.) She then asked me about Gabriel Byrne (who’s name she did not know) … “Wasn’t he on some TV show about a hospital??” (I had no clue, but said “yes”) She yammered on about his Irish accent, and how he “used it on that show, too, just like in the play.” THEN she says … “And what’s the woman’s name??” I raised an eyebrow, and said, “… Jessica Lange?” and her mouth hung open, and she said, “It IS??” Oh, the stinkin’ humanity!!!!”

The good news is, every one of my friends who commented “GOT” it, and felt my pain 100% (Comments may be seen on the post on my FB page)  I cannot say that I experienced true misery at all (tragedy of the play aside), but it’s nice to know that I have surrounded myself with those who appreciate what is good & right.
Until next time, Gentle readers!!!

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