“In my mind I’m going to Carolina …”

Not only in my mind, but for real!  A few years ago, I had the opportunity to see my high school friend, Jeannette, when she and her husband were living near Clearwater, FL.  They’ve now retired to Seneca, SC, and I was delighted to be able to include their new home as part of my return trip to NJ!

As Lulu and I approached the South Carolina state line, there was a car tailgating so closely I couldn’t maneuver stopping to take the obligatory photograph with the “Welcome to…” sign.  However … everything happens for a reason, and I believe that the photo I got at the rest stop / South Carolina Welcome Center was much better!


(Don’t you think??!!? 🙂 )

I arrived in Seneca, at the BEAUTIFUL of home of Jeannette and Ken, by mid-afternoon from Atlanta.  Seneca is located in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains, and is quite pretty!

Jeannette, who I’ve known since high school, proved to be one of my most ardent Travels with Lolo and Lulu followers! The moment I stepped out of the car, Jeannette said, “OK!  Where is she??”  I knew immediately that she was referring to Lulu, and I pulled her right outta my purse.  (Oh, Lulu, you are SO POPULAR!!  lol)

Jeannette and Ken treated me to dinner at a lovely restaurant located right on Lake Keowee … a beautiful location, and delicious food!


I think Jeannette was trying not to laugh — AND was trying to dodge being in the photograph!, but I love this photo.  You can even see a tiny bit of the spectacular lakeside view!  Thank you again, Jeannette & Ken, for a wonderful meal!

As I was planning this trip, folks would inquire of me where my stops would be, and I would rattle off the list: Roanoke, VA, Nashville, Oklahoma City, Fort Worth, Jackson, MS, Atlanta, Seneca, SC … wait … Where??  Until I visited, Seneca, South Carolina was a random place, 2 hours northeast of Atlanta.   I know SO MUCH BETTER now, and something else I didn’t realize about Seneca is that it is one town away from Clemson, SC, home of Clemson University!

Jeannette and Ken showed me around area, and drove me through the Clemson campus.  The Clemson Tigers have their mark all over the area … several businesses (like the Waffle House below) have giant orange tiger paw prints emblazoned on them, and the road leading into campus also has the paw prints.  Kinda cool to see so much Clemson U. pride!

clemson waffle-house-jpg

Clemson road

My less-than-24-hours in SC went by in a flash, and both Jeannette and Ken were up with the birds to see me off!

Cute story … I am one of those crazy folks who habitually set clocks ahead.  My car’s clock is currently 36 minutes fast.  There is no logical reason WHY … my mother had a similar habit, and always had clocks set fast, so ….  Ken, is NOT one of those crazy folks.  Ken is very tech savvy and precise, and made it a point to tell me, just before we hit the hay the previous evening, that “the clock in your room MIGHT be a few seconds off.”  A few SECONDS???  I laughed out loud at that one!  Thanks, Ken!  You kept me on schedule!  🙂



Bye-bye, Jeannette!!  Lulu & I were SO HAPPY to get to spend time … hope to see you soon!

Next stops: Virginia, Philadelphia and HOME!!

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