“The Stars at night, are big & bright” …

::clap, clap, clap, clap::  … deep in the heart of Texas!!

heart of tx

Lulu was tickled to add another State Line to her photo album!


I arrived at my FURTHEST destination (… I keep saying “final”, but clearly it is not final, just my last before heading home again) by dinner time on Friday, and saw the face of my Angi!!  It was around visiting her that I began planning this trip, and I must say that my weekend in Fort Worth, Texas was OUTSTANDING!!

Angi and I have been like long lost sistah-friends, ever since we played sisters, back in 1997, in “The Porker Sisters”.

Porker program

I played “Boareen” (the pig on the top), and Angi played “Porcine” (the pig on the bottom.)  (And try as we might, neither of us could remember the name of the woman who played “Pigeen”, in the middle!)  Our “Sisterhood” bond is stronger than ever, and we cried happy tears at meeting, and then proceeded to laugh all weekend long. 🙂

Since it was our (Lulu & I) longest “sit down”, Fort Worth afforded me some rather leisurely sight seeing.  Lulu & I took in the National Cowgirl Museum, and really did it up!


Here we are with Annie Oakley ..^^


…and Lulu with two MORE photos of Annie Oakley … ^^


And with a statue in one of the galleries.  (ps~It’s against the rules to take photos here, but as Lulu & were the only two souls in the place, I bended them a little.)

But the piece de la resistance was the Bronco Buster.

Things you need to know about my Bronco Ride at the National Cowgirl Museum:
1. (LOL) It took me a solid 5 minutes to hoist myself up on the bronco.
2. Part of those 5 minutes was SPENT LOL-ing.
3. I didn’t QUITE get how it worked … didn’t realize I was being filmed, and thought at any moment the bronco would start to buck wildly. (It never did.)
4. Subsequently, if you can read lips, you’ll see me say, “I hope I don’t fall off!” during the course of the Lolo & Lulu portion of the video.
5. When I was getting off the bronco, I caused the saddle to shift all the way to the side.
6. Fortunately, I was the only person in the whole museum, so I’m sure they had time to fix it before the next person came along. Next Thursday.

Here’s the tiny movie: (click on the blue words BRONCO RIDE)


(I am still laughin’ about that silly thing!)


After that, Lulu wanted to ride solo.  Who can blame her??  LOL

Angi & Dow were COMPLETELY sweet about giving me a “Welcome” gift basket upon my arrival!!!  (Really???)  Long story short, Angi had to work during part of the day on Saturday, so in the basket was a gift card for the local movie theater!  It was one of those “have lunch while seeing the movie” places, so I enjoyed a salad while watching …

ghostbusters-620x349Who’re ya gonna call??

It had its’ moments … they’re all so darn funny!  I was pleasantly surprised that “Ghostbusters” (2016) wasn’t as awful as the reviews it received.

Back to meet up with Angi, for a WONDERFUL dinner, cooked by Dow, her husband, and later we were off to do one of my favorite things …


Karaoke!!  At this total dive bar called Sarah’s Place, where people take their karaoke SERIOUSLY!!  We all sang, including Angi’s friend, Twila (Lulu sat out, but clapped a LOT!), and really enjoyed the evening!

Church early the next AM, and then Angi, Dow & I had a serious discussion about the possibility of going to the Fort Worth Stockyards that afternoon.  The problem??  It was 103 degrees in the shade.  I wasn’t up for walkin’ around ANYWHERE when it’s that hot … but Dow made it happen!


We started out having lunch at Cooper’s Old Time Pit Barbecue … totally Texas (huge) & totally Southern (BBQ like you would not believe.)  My favorite was the grilled corn on the cob, and the bbq ribs were a close second!


Just everyone in the world wants to pose with that lil gal, Lulu!  Angi & Dow were no exception.  Gotta stop here and SHOUT MY PRAISES about Dow!  Perfect for Angi … they’ve been married 11 years, and still in love … he’s a MAN’S MAN, a gentleman, interesting, a great audience, and an even greater cook!!  Thank you, Dow, for marrying my friend, and for being such a great host!  I would have been SEVERELY disappointed if you’d gone to visit your sister while I was town!!

FW stockyard train

During the few moments we braved the heat to step into a few of the shops in the Ft. Worth Stock Yard area, this train appeared.  A tourist train that journeys a very short distance, it was impressive to see.

Angi was telling me, “Every afternoon they do a cattle drive down the middle of the street in this part of town … Yeah, like _4_ cows come amblin’ down the street.  That’s the cattle drive.”  LOL  We didn’t stick around to see it, (Angi, “Plus they smell to high heaven”  LOL), but I found a photo online:


(I actually think I count 6 cows in this photo, but I got Angi’s point.  LOL)

Then it was time to head back to Dow & Angi’s place, and use their pool!!  I will admit that, although the water was on the warm side, it was refreshing, and delightful to have a little GF time!


There’s my girl, soakin’ up them rays!!!!  Who does NOT love them some Angi Seagraves????

Dow & Angi live in a BEAUTIFUL part of Fort Worth, quite near this bridge …

In the blue light after sunset. the Seventh Street Bridge in Fort Worth connects the downtown area with the cultural district for both cars and pedestrians. In the distance is the Ft. Worth skyline.
In the blue light after sunset. the Seventh Street Bridge in Fort Worth connects the downtown area with the cultural district for both cars and pedestrians. In the distance is the Ft. Worth skyline.

And this is the view of Downtown from their apartment balcony:


Just a beautiful place to be!  Monday morning came all too quickly, and I was off again … beginning many more days on the road home again.  But I will never ever forget this wonderful weekend with my friend!   Until next time, dear Angi!

unbio sister

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