Drop kick me, Jesus, through the goal post of life!

Sticking with the song lyric theme, that particular lyric is from Nunsense, and the song “I Could Have Gone to Nashville”.  Welp … now Lulu & I _HAVE_ gone to Nashville!!

Many thanks to Sue & Eric Broder, the parents of one of the little kids with whom I appeared in the Kenny Rogers Christmas show, back in 1998 (!!)  Now 18 years later, their 3 children are all moved out, and these two empty nesters — mainly Sue! — went OUT OF THEIR WAY to plan & insure our brief visit to Nashville was as OUTSTANDING as it was!


(C’mon, FOCUS, Lulu!! hee hee)  The last time I was at this particular location on I-81 was a few years ago, and I had no idea that I would be passing through the tiny corner of Tennessee on my way to N. Carolina, and was WEEPING while driving, because I thought I was going the wrong way.  (Turns out, I was not.)  THIS TIME, I INTENDED to drive to Tennessee, and Lulu was more than pleased to pose with the “Welcome to…” sign.

We arrived in Nashville mid afternoon, and hit the ground running!  A tour of the MAGNIFICENT Gaylord Opryland Hotel, dinner at the lovely & trendy 5th & Taylor, and we ended the evening on Broadway Street in downtown Nashville, home to scads of “honky tonk joints”.  Lulu loved the giant cowboy boot!



We went inside “Roberts Western World” to listen to the last few songs of a set of the band there.  Truly AWESOME local flavor stuff.

Day Two began early with a trip to the Ryman Auditorium, the original location of the Grand Ol’ Opry!  Such a GREAT gem of a place, and so happy that I took the advice (of MANY, including my Nashville host, Sue), and toured the Ryman instead of the current Opry.


Lulu was very happy to make the acquaintance of Roy Acuff and Minnie Pearl! 🙂

Lulu helped me “Make A Record at the Ryman!” … sang my signature karaoke tune, “Walkin’ After Midnight”!


Here’s how we sounded!

^^^ (Click “play” to hear the recording!) It was so much fun!  After the tour, we went by the cafe for a quick bite … and, don’t tell Lulu, but it’s actually called “Cafe Lul_a_“, named after Lula Naff, the woman who ran the Ryman after Thomas Ryman died.  It was a fun place to visit from start to finish!


A WHIRLWIND driving tour ALL AROUND Nashville (Thank you again, Sue!!!), which lead to our next stop … Cheekwood.  Sue had recommended it, and turns out it’s a FASCINATING place to visit!!  Mr. Cheek was heir to the Maxwell House coffee fortune, and this mansion / museum is quite something!  Lulu was DYING to hop out of my purse,  and do her “Michelle Pfeiffer on the piano” impression …

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We made it happen!  Then it was back to the house for a nap (I needed one more than Lulu did!  LOL), and we planned the evening …

A local BBQ joint for ribs … 20160719_184340_1469115796006

(“Can _I_ have a Wonder Woman outfit like that, Lolo?” “NO!”  … LOL)

And the final event was at a place called “The Station Inn” (I was tagging myself there on social media, and it kept coming up as the “World Famous Station Inn”.)


… and, although I described it as looking more like the basement of a VFW hall and less “world famous”, it has been the venue for hundreds of country legends’ performances!  The one we saw, “The Doyle & Debbie Show” was an hysterical parody of country music and country singers!  Never would have thought of going to see this, but would go back as many times as possible!  LOVED IT!


The next morning brought a VERY EARLY START, as my final Wednesday destination was Oklahoma City … but Lulu & I made our way across the rest of Tennessee in time to have lunch at Graceland in Memphis!


We didn’t take the tour (much to the disappointment of many friends — ya never know, I may get back here someday!), but we had lunch across the street in the Graceland visitor center.


We promise to stay connected, Elvis!  (Someone told me that he works as a fry cook in Jackson, MS.  Is that true????  😉

Next stop, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOklahoma, where the wind comes whippin’ cross the plain!!!

8 thoughts on “Drop kick me, Jesus, through the goal post of life!”

  1. You are not going to believe this, but I have stayed at the Gaylord hotel in Nashville. It is huge and I kept getting lost. LOL. Thanks for keeping us posted on where you are at. Glad you are enjoying. 🙂 We are definitely polar opposites when it comes to travel. This would be my worst nightmare. LOL!

    1. We are opposites, but you’d enjoy this trip … as long as you could be instantly transported to each new location. 🙂

      1. Exactly….I could not tolerate (physically or mentally) all that driving. But….I’m enjoying reading about your experiences! ?❤️?
        ✈️ For Jeanne not ?!! Xoxo

  2. Loved the Patsy impression! Sounds like you are having a blast. Wish I could’ve tagged along with you and Lulu!!

  3. Hey Lorraine. Loved your recording. I made it as far as the lobby of the Ryman when in Nashville for a conference. Wish I had been able to do the tour. I am amazed that you can drive so far. I couldn’t do it!

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