From the mountains, to the prairies, to the oceans white with foam!

Today began my 14 days of travel over a LARGE portion of our great country, but my post begins with YESTERDAY:


Today these gals Margaret and her Mom, Catherine (and her husband / Margaret’s dad, Carl) left on a jet plane for Oregon, where they will relocate.  Catherine is a truly FINE Alto, and not only sang in choir with me, but has been a fabulous friend over the last many, many years.  No such thing as a coincidence that my trip is starting on the same day as their beginning of their new life.  Lulu wanted “IN” on this photo!!  Bon Voyage, Turso Family!!!


This morning, Lulu & I posed in front of the yard, next to Zippy (… my car).  The sun was in my eyes, and there was a horsefly the size of a robin hovering nearby, so this is not the best photo of us (… “of YOU!” says Lulu …) LOL but we got on the road a little after 8 AM!

We traveled through 5 states …. New Jersey …



(Camera focus is an issue, because although I pull off to the side of the road to snap the pictures, we don’t get outta the car.)



Yes, it’s true!  Look at a map.  Or don’t, and just trust me: When one travels west & then south to travel this route, you go through the north-western most SLIVER of Maryland.  9 exits on I-81, to be exact.

West Virgina:


Ditto, to West Virginia … we slid through a north-easterly tab of W. Virginia.  In this state, I stopped at a gas station / convenience store to fill up the tank, and use the facility.  WHY, pray tell, did the gentleman in the only restroom not only NOT LOCK the door, he left it ajar???  Awkward moment for me, and I ran out PDQ.  Ugh.  West Virginia, man.

and Virginia:


LOL  Lulu was getting a little loopy posing with the “Welcome To …” signs.  (Suck it up, Buttercup, you’ve got MANY MORE to pose with!  LOL)  I laughed when Miss Waze announced, “Stay straight on Route 81 South for 4 hours.”  LOL  Yup.

Tonight we recharge our batteries by pretty much laying around the hotel room in Roanoke, VA.  Pretty surroundings!

Tomorrow we head to Tennessee!!

One thought on “From the mountains, to the prairies, to the oceans white with foam!”

  1. Thanks for the update. I know Dad will be VERY happy when you are home. Glad day one was a success. Xo

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