“Oh, I’m goin’ to Montana to rest my soul …” (Hank Williams, Jr.)

So…. this song is a sort of PG-13 country song, that talks a LOT about knee-high snow drifts, etc. AND, we were barely in Montana (State #47, people!) for 12 hours, so I don’t know how much actual rest my soul received, but it’s a nice thought. 🙂

We departed Manitou Springs Wednesday, around 8 AM. We planned to stop in Cheyenne, WY for lunch. Gerry drove the first leg, about 3 hours. As previously stated, I select locations based on their proximity to Interstate highways, etc., so Cheyenne was perfect. Our lunch stop, with the kitschy name, “Two Doors Down” was fine. Gerry stumped the waiter with a question about some artwork on the wall …

Who or what actually _IS_Maccheroni Pianigiani? I just Googled it … _STILL_ no idea. It may or may not have to do with some sort of pasta. No matter. Food was fine, and back to the car. We parked near another business with a very kitschy title:

I laughed over this for a solid minute. Gerry hadn’t heard of the expression “Bitch, please!” (hence the joke), but that’s OK. A moment later on the way, and lo & behold, it was the Wyoming state capital building!

Very much like every other capital building I’ve seen, but happy, nonetheless to happen into a bonus landmark.

Gassed up at a brand not seen in NJ for decades …

(… and God Bless, America, the price of gas didn’t break the bank, either!)
And it even had a full sized Sinclair dinosaur, complete with saddle! Lulu was sleeping in the back seat at the time, so no photo op. (That’s the story, and I’m stickin’ with it. 😉

Aaaaaaaand, we were off.

A word now, about the fine state of Wyoming. I am aware of many parts of Wyoming that must be very pretty — Yellowstone National Park comes immediately to mind. But, my friends … now that I’ve driven from east to west ACROSS Wyoming a few years ago, and this trip drove the entire length from south to north, if I never set foot in the lovely last-alphabetically state again, I really won’t be sad. With no offense meant to residents and/or Wyoming lovers, it just AIN’T my cuppa tea. The distance (south to north) driven was a little more than 425 miles. And there’s NOTHING BUT ROCK to see. Enough sedimentary specimens to replace the Great Wall of China. And NO ONE ELSE on the road!! No, not even kidding! We drove literally hundreds of miles, and ours was the ONLY CAR IN BOTH DIRECTIONS!! I asked Gerry to take a picture from the passenger seat:

That’s it, kids.

The next time I speak the words, “I got nuthin'”, this is the image I will have in my head.

OK, I think you get it. 🙂

We arrived at the Montana state line well before sundown, and had another 100+ miles to go. But, we did our obligatory “Lulu at the State Line” photo op, of course!

I see Lulu … where’s Gerry?? 😉
This was actually the FANCY Montana state line sign, as we crossed into North Dakota, and looking back.

We arrived at the clean, spacious, well-appointed Miles City Hotel & Suites a short while later, and were met by a delightful and soft spoken desk clerk named Joe, who was very welcoming! He gave a hearty thumbs-up to the restaurant I’d found online, The Black Iron Grill, where we had a marvelous meal.

Upon our return to the hotel, Joe happily agreed to pose for a Lulu photo!

Thanks, Joe!!!

For my friends traveling to or through Miles City, MT … we HIGHLY recommend BOTH the Black Iron Grill AND Miles City Hotel & Suites. Great choices!!

We had another early start the next AM, so it was off to slumberland!

Next up: State #48 … North Dakota!

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