“Live with Kelly, Lolo, Lulu, LeeLee, KaKa, DreDre and BP”! :)


I had tickets for “Live with Kelly” on Thursday, and invited our dear friend, David to join me.  As it was David’s birthday, I was so happy when he agreed!!

I know Kelly Ripa isn’t everybody’s favorite, but Lulu & I like her a lot. 🙂  David & I enjoyed the show … Guillermo Diaz (??? — I guess he’s known to “Scandal” fans, but not to us) was her “co-host of the day”, and the daily bill was rounded out with Queen Latifah, Laverne Cox, and Adam Richman.  Upon leaving the building, we walked right into Adam doing a photo op!


But the most enjoyable part of the show was after it was done, and Kelly had to do some promo taping for an upcoming show featuring the cast of the “Ghostbusters.”  For one, Kelly was directed to focus directly on where David & I sat, and he was doing some ghost-like gestures.  “Sir,” said Kelly to David, “you will be my ghost!”  The promo was filmed, with David making all sorts of boo’s and ooo’s and hand wavings … and when “Cut!” was called, Kelly said, “That was AMAZING!!  What is your name???” “David!”  “David, can YOU be next co-host???  You just gave me SO MUCH for that clip as the ghost!!!”  Of course, I hadda holler down, “It’s David’s birthday today!”, and Kelly fawned further.  So much fun!!

After the show, we met up with another old friend, Karen (aka “KaKa”  LOL), and had lunch at Big Nick’s, an old haunt of mine from when my friend Mark lived in the neighborhood.

Here’s David (VanLeesten aka “LeeLee”) and Karen with Lulu at the restaurant:


“Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold.”  These two are both … and they’re diamonds in the rough, too!!

We parted ways after lunch, and I made my way downtown to connect with another dear one … my friend Andree, who was only in NYC for a few days with her little boy, prior to their departure for a European trip.  They were not only willing to pose with Lulu, they added more characters!

20160707_151223Have a wonderful time in Scotland, “Dre Dre” and BP!   Thanks for being a part of my “Kelly” day!  Lulu & I know you’ll enjoy your travels!  🙂

One thought on ““Live with Kelly, Lolo, Lulu, LeeLee, KaKa, DreDre and BP”! :)”

  1. One thing I just remembered about that day (1.5+years later) — while we were in the diner, a commercial that Karen was featured in came on the tv set that was running up at the front of the restaurant. We all got a kick out of that. We were dining with a celebrity!

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