Family Time! “Off to Massachusetts”

This last week I’ve been in Massachusetts … my sister Jeanne & her family & my Dad are in Methuen, and my sister Alison is in Manchester NH, so I try to get up to see them as often as possible.  Sometimes difficult during the school year, but love to stay for many days during the summer!

This little ditty plays in my head often when making the ride up there … an oft forgotten “throw away” song from the musical “Little Women”, but not altogether any surprise, my favorite:

Arrived on a Sunday afternoon, and Lulu & I accompanied my sister, Jeannie to a fund raiser on Monday night.  Her employee’s boyfriend, Mr. Jajuga Jr., is running for Sheriff of Essex County.

Lulu MA 1

(You can tell that Jeannie is humoring me, and saying with clenched teeth, “Take the picture already!”  FYI,  Lulu was unceremoniously FLUNG in my direction a nanosecond later.  LOL)


Lulu & I (and Craig, Mary and Di) REALLY enjoyed the presentation of the documentary, “Broadway, the Golden Age” on Tuesday night!  What a fabulous piece of film, which captures so, so many former & current Broadway LEGENDS.  WONDERFUL!!  Less wonderful were the sweet gentlemen who attempted a “talkback” & “Q & A” …  I definitely got the distinct feeling that most of the audience were better informed than either of them.  To be fair, one of the guys, a theatre professor, was rather engaging and informative … but the other … well … let’s just say that his portion of the talkback began by him consulting a small notebook, and announcing a 5 minute long list of the Broadway stars whom he has NOT interviewed.  D’oh!!


On Thursday, it was QUITE a day!  I spent the earlier part of the day taking my Godson, Evan, to Canobie Lake Park!  Always a lovely time.  Lulu really enjoyed the beautiful breeze atop the Ferris wheel!!  We even got a chance to see the Lady Gaga Tribute Show.  (Ummmm …)  Always fun spending time together.  🙂


Had a ball introducing Lulu to some of my oldest and dearest friends … Jean & I go all the way back to High School, and Di since Keene State.  Di hosted a fun night at her house … made some great grub, and we kicked back and watched my DVD of “Moon Over Buffalo”.  More importantly … these gals are like family to me, too, and ALWAYS a great treat to spend time!!


Of course, my sister’s dog, Velvet, loves to see Auntie Lulu (and Little Lulu, too!).  Don’t even ASK how I was able to achieve this shot!!  LOL


Got to spend some precious moments with my baby sis, Alison this week, too!  Doesn’t she look FABULOUS!!!  <3


And my heart belongs to Daddio … There he is, on the right, along with two of his siblings.  Aunt Marie (center) was staying for the following week to pet-sit Velvet, and Uncle Jack stopped by on his way up to “north country”, as he calls it. 😉  Jackie, upon learning of this blog, wondered if Lolo & Lulu might be going to LaLa Land?  LOL  He also told me today that he meant to bring me a small stuffed panda, so that I could have LingLing along on the journey.  LOL  Nuthin’ but love for the Fords!!


There’s Lulu … peeking out of her carrying case (aka my purse) … ready & awaiting our next adventure!

Until then …!!

2 thoughts on “Family Time! “Off to Massachusetts””

  1. 1. You know you are nuts..right?
    2. Need to take Lulu’s pictures all vertically or figure out how to post horizontal pictures. LOL
    3. Love you!

    1. 1. Yes. 🙂
      2. I fixed all of the photos … are they showing up sideways?
      3. Love you more.

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