Philly — Old friends, No Cheesesteaks

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Lulu & I traveled to Philadelphia, met up with my old pal, Skylar, and the three of us journeyed to Walnut Street Theater in downtown Philly.  We had the ABSOLUTE PRIVILEGE to see my girl, Dan’yelle Williamson play “Deloris” in their “Sister Act – the Musical”.  Lemme tell you … Dan’yelle has had FIERCE talent since we shared a dressing room for “Show Boat” at the New London Barn Summer Theatre … but she was absolutely incredible in this role and show!  She sounded spectacular, played the role to perfection, and is stunningly more beautiful in every scene!  If you are in Philly, and are thinking about it … the show runs until July 17, and YOU SHOULD SEE IT!  You will be thoroughly entertained!

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Lulu LOVED the show … she tapped her foot and clapped & sang the whole show! 🙂

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We awaited the arrival of Dan’yelle after the show!


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Skylar was happy to pose with Lulu after the show, while we enjoyed a meal at the local diner.  Made the waitress burst out laughing when she saw Sky posing for this!  🙂

Bye – Bye, Philadelphia!  On to our next summer destination!

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