D’oh! It’s Homer! – Amazing Alaska – Day 4

While I love to title blog posts with a song lyric, I hadda go with a “The Simpsons” reference this time. 😉

The drive on Thursday morning, from Sterling to Homer is just a little under 2 hours, and as I mentioned, Jim drove down in his truck, in order to show us around Homer. (He hopes to retire there someday.) We arrived at the Homer (“Halibut Capital of the World”) Overlook, with views that were very much as advertised … and bowled us over, as usual!

We visited Bishop Beach ..

“Hey, Mom! Alaska’s great! When’re we comin’ back??”chirped Lulu.

We drove onto the Homer “spit” … a 4 or 5 mile strip of land that extends out into Kachemak Bay. Here’s Jim, looking over the Homer boat harbor …

I’m still a little disappointed that we missed getting a group photo …. Next time!

We walked around on the “spit” for a little while …

Interesting name for an ice cream shop … particularly if taken out of context!

Had a pretty good lunch at this cute little place …

We drove down to the very end of the spit, where our hotel was located … the very lovely Land’s End.

Check in wasn’t until 5 PM, so we drove Jim back to his truck, and left him with many thanks and appreciation for all that he did!

We did some more souvenir shopping …

Good ol’ Homer’s Gold Mine gifts … They’ve painted the boulders around the shop with gold paint. LOL

And it was there that I sampled …

… Fireweed flavored ice cream! (It was interesting. And pink. 🙂 )

No explanation necessary! LOL

Unfortunately the restaurant at Land’s End (which came highly recommended) was closed for dinner, so we went in search of a meal where we wouldn’t have an hour’s wait. The answer? Nowhere … but we eventually did eat. And Lulu made a new friend …

We were finally able to check in to Land’s End, and spent the rest of the evening admiring the amazing view out of our hotel room window:

Oh, my goodness, Alaska … you did NOT disappoint!

My next (and last) post will wrap up this incredible trip!

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