Wrap Up!

I have just posted the following on Facebook, but if you aren’t there, you may appreciate reading here:

Thank You notes, ala Jimmy Fallon — Wrapping up my Almost-CrossCountry Trip!
So, if the Tonight Show is past your bedtime, perhaps you’ve never seen Jimmy Fallon’s bit called “Thank You Notes”, in which (accompanied by wistfully sappy piano playing in the background https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Z2…) he thanks random people, places and things. (Example: “Thank you … PopTarts … for being polite enough to assume I’ve actually got the emotional energy to put you in a toaster.” lol)
I’ve decided that a great way to wrap up all of my Big Road Trip stories will be to write similar Thank You notes! Here goes:
Thank You … God … for making such a beautiful world, especially the USA. It was such a treat to see so much of it on this trip. And thanks for the lovely fair weather! Yes, it was HOT … but it was JULY … in THE SOUTH. As I believe I’ve already said, I expected nothing less than oppressive! 🙂 During the 13 days I was on the road, I was driving in rain for a total of perhaps 1.5 hours.
Thank You … Marjorie Henderson Buell … for creating a character called “Little Lulu”. Creating story boards for Lulu on this (and other) trips has been great fun, and often providing hysterically funny results.
Thank You … every person who wished me “safe travels”, “safe driving”, “be careful” — and there were dozens, including many “strangers” — gas station clerks, an Uber driver, etc.! … I attribute my safe travels, in part, to your wishes, which gave me added confidence and blessings.
Thank You … my dear family … for caring enough to miss me, and to worry about me while I was out on the road. The worrying was completely unnecessary, but I understand. As my sister Alison told my dad, “She’s almost 60 years old, you don’t have to worry about her!” (LOL), but I know the concern came out of love! It was comforting and grounding to speak regularly with my Dad, telling him where in the world I was, and where I was going next. Thank you, specifically, John DeMan and Gerard DeMan — for holding down the fort while I was away, and not complaining about my absence. Next year, it’s a family trip! 🙂
Thank You … Sue, Marcie, Angi, Jeannette, Carol , and Vinny… for your friendship, your chauffering, your hospitality, your laughter, your tour guiding, your beautiful faces and spirits, and for being the reason I took this trip. You were my shining stars, the cherry on my sundae, the icing on my cake, and the air conditioning blowing in my face!
Thank You … Eric, Dow, Ken, and Charlie … for your friendship as well, and for indulging your wives’ generosity by inviting their cray-cray friend, Lorraine, into your homes & lives for however brief a visit. You all made me feel more than welcome! Thank you, too, Aidan, Michael, Pete and Fay, for welcoming this fat old girlfriend of Mom’s, and for riding in the car all over Oklahoma City for the benefit of my sight-seeing! It was great to finally meet you!
Thank You … Patsy Cline, Randy Travis, Celtic Woman, Donny Osmond, Anne Murray, Bette Midler & the TV cast of “Gypsy”, David Hyde Pierce & the Broadway cast of “Curtains” and the “Trio” of Dolly Parton, Linda Ronstadt and Emmy Lou Harris … for providing the music for my journey. You kept sane, AND kept me singing for 3,700+ miles!
Thank You … Zippy … my 2007 Honda Fit … for being a TRUE ROCK STAR. The statistics don’t lie: 15 states and 3,762.8 miles, and you were A-MAZ-ING. Still great on gas mileage, and perfectly comfortable, I can’t imagine having driven this trip in ANYTHING ELSE!
Thank You … people who name towns and cities in America … for the following names: Bucksnort, TN; Chunky, MS; Toomsuba, MS; Opelika, AL; Hurtsboro, AL; Cusseta, AL; Cowpens, SC; Butner, NC; and Dinwiddie, VA … not to mention the obsession with the town suffix “ville” in Tennessee, where I found (both east AND west of Nashville): Lawnville, Crossville, Gordonsville, Hartsville, Cookville, Smithville, McMinnville, Brownsville, Somerville, Lobelville, Centerville and Collierville. You kept me chuckling along my route!
Thank You … License Plate Game … for keeping me distracted and entertained while searching for different states’ plates. You always let me win! (LOL) To my fellow roadsters from 47 states (including DC), thank you for crossing my path during this trip … and for everyone who drives cars from Wyoming, South Dakota, Idaho and Hawaii, where the heck were ya??? Next time drive a little more easterly, will ya?!? lol (And, YES!! On my LAST DAY OUT I found an Alaska license plate!!!)
Thank You … US Interstate Highway system … for your efficiency, your cleanliness, your rest stops, and your regular maintenance. Had I decided to take this trip during wagon train days, I would still be on my way to Nashville!
Thank You … “Doyle and Debbie” show at the world famous Station Inn in Nashville … you surprised me by being _the_ most entertaining show, as well as my favorite thing in the city! A good parody is worth its weight in gold, and this one is a GREAT parody of Country Music singers. If you’re in Nashville, GO!
Thank You … Jimmy the Sound Tech, in the “Make a Record” booth at the Ryman Auditorium … for being professional, and cool, and for taking the pictures of Lulu & I inside the recording booth. You made the recording experience really fun and special, and the CD of me singing “Walkin’ After Midnight” is awesome. 🙂
Thank You … Oklahoma sunflower “patch” … for being so breathtakingly beautiful. I have never seen, nor do I think I ever will again, a hundred acres of sunflowers in one place.
Thank You … Oklahoma City … for building the National Memorial. Words will never suffice.
Thank You … National Cowgirl Museum in Fort Worth, TX … for your “Interactive Bronco Ride” activity. The 22 second movie, featuring me smiling, holding up Lulu, and saying “Oh, I hope I don’t fall off!” while perched upon a completely stationary bronco horse, has become an instant classic, and one of the funniest things EVAH!!
Thank You … Alabama Rte US 80 … for REALLY SHOWING US your state. If you’re ever driving through Alabama, and have the choice, PLEASE choose US 80 over I-20! While it may cost you a tiny bit of extra time to cross the state, you’ll be MUCH happier for doing so!
Thank You … CNN Studio Tour ticket agent … for NOT making me feel like a doofus or an idiot because my ticket voucher was for the wrong date. You gave a GOOD NAME to ticket agents everywhere when you smiled, and just issued me a ticket for the day I was there! You gave me the gift of sheer relief, and let me enjoy the CNN Studio Tour even more.
And finally … Thank You … my Facebook friends & followers, and my blog readers … for following, and reading, and enjoying. When silly or funny or touching or interesting or unusual or hilarious things happened, I couldn’t WAIT to write about it and share with you!!

“And … Oh, Auntie Em … there’s no place like Home!”

::and the music swells::

I’ve seen “The Wizard of Oz” probably 50 times (including several times on the big screen), and I’ve never NOT cried at those words when Judy Garland’s “Dorothy” utters them in the last seconds of the film.  Similar tears streamed down my cheeks as I pulled up my driveway on July 29.  Very happy that I took the trip … but OHHHHH, so happy to finally be HOME!

Shortly after beginning my last LONG DAY of driving (from Seneca, SC to Springfield, VA — 520+ miles; 8+ hours), I saw one of the most interesting sights from the Interstate:

Gaffney peach

I quickly jotted down the name of the town (Gaffney), and found this photo online later.  It’s a WATER TOWER, and the basin is in the shape of a peach!  I would have thought this would appear somewhere in Georgia, but apparently the South Carolina peach crop is just as noteworthy! 🙂

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Good ol’ Lulu … perpetually cheerful … posing at two more state line (quite a distance from one another, I might add), and yet, as anxious to arrive at our last overnight as I.

Driving in Rain

Thunderstorms slowed us down a bit, just north of Richmond, VA.  (See reasonable facsimile of conditions above — once again, NO, I did NOT actually take these photos while driving.)

We arrived at my Grammar School friend, Carol’s house by 6:30 PM — and thank you, my dear friend, for the lovely dinner.  Words really cannot express how happy it’s made me to have reconnected with Carol a few years ago — we’ve been lucky enough to see each other on several occasions since our Facebook connection, and it’s always a treat because we just Think Alike!

Lulu got to bond with some gals in the guest room at Carol’s …

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And further bonding with dear Carol herself occurred the following morning:

20160729_070046_1470329675515::Mwah!:: Carol!  Hope to see you again soon!

I was out the door shortly after Carol left for work, and before I even got on the highway, saw ::drumroll:: an ALASKA LICENSE PLATE!!! (Yeah, yeah, I know how nerdy that sounds, but in two weeks, I found ALMOST all of the 50 states license plates. My final total was 47: was only missing Hawaii, Idaho, South Dakota, and Wyoming.) Guess I’ll have to pick those up on NEXT YEAR’S trip!!


I somehow missed the Maryland state line, but we swung over, and Lulu got to pose with the Delaware sign!  “This means we’re almost home, right Lolo?” asked Lulu.  You betcha, girlfriend!!!  🙂

Our next, AND LAST (!!) stop before home, was downtown Philadelphia, and lunch with my former student, Vinny.  What a JOY to see this face, and spend a short amount of time!!!  We had fun catching up … and I had a good long laugh when he recalled one of his most memorable moments of me back the day, when I directed him in the school plays.  The memory involved me having a meltdown because no one knew their lines, and I just picked up a chair, put it on my head, & screamed.  LOL  Yup.  The more things change, the more they stay the same! 😉  Great to see ya, Vin!


Philadelphia and Trenton, NJ are practically sister cities, but somehow I never saw the “Welcome to NJ” sign after I crossed the bridge from Pennsylvania to New Jersey.  I’d decided that when I took the photo of Lulu with the NJ sign, I’d only include her feet at the top — simulating her jumping high in the air, so happy to be so close to home.   Here’s the recreation of the moment that never really happened:


(Yes, those lil black lumps at the top are Lulu’s feet. LOL)

And … before I could say, “What exit?” I was pulling into my driveway in Rutherford.  Shortly thereafter, I wrote this on Facebook:

States visited: 15
License Plates seen: 47 states (including DC), 3 Canadian provinces, and an Audi with some wonky European plate
Post cards sent to my cousin (Mae): 15 (the last 3 are on the way!)
Miles traveled: 3,762.8
FINALLY ARRIVING HOME AFTER 13 DAYS OUT: Absolutely priceless!!!!!

brave buckaroo

This was another gem procured from the Cowgirl Museum in Fort Worth, and how Lulu and I will leave you for now!  Happy Trails, my friends!  Thanks for joining me on the journey!

“In my mind I’m going to Carolina …”

Not only in my mind, but for real!  A few years ago, I had the opportunity to see my high school friend, Jeannette, when she and her husband were living near Clearwater, FL.  They’ve now retired to Seneca, SC, and I was delighted to be able to include their new home as part of my return trip to NJ!

As Lulu and I approached the South Carolina state line, there was a car tailgating so closely I couldn’t maneuver stopping to take the obligatory photograph with the “Welcome to…” sign.  However … everything happens for a reason, and I believe that the photo I got at the rest stop / South Carolina Welcome Center was much better!


(Don’t you think??!!? 🙂 )

I arrived in Seneca, at the BEAUTIFUL of home of Jeannette and Ken, by mid-afternoon from Atlanta.  Seneca is located in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains, and is quite pretty!

Jeannette, who I’ve known since high school, proved to be one of my most ardent Travels with Lolo and Lulu followers! The moment I stepped out of the car, Jeannette said, “OK!  Where is she??”  I knew immediately that she was referring to Lulu, and I pulled her right outta my purse.  (Oh, Lulu, you are SO POPULAR!!  lol)

Jeannette and Ken treated me to dinner at a lovely restaurant located right on Lake Keowee … a beautiful location, and delicious food!


I think Jeannette was trying not to laugh — AND was trying to dodge being in the photograph!, but I love this photo.  You can even see a tiny bit of the spectacular lakeside view!  Thank you again, Jeannette & Ken, for a wonderful meal!

As I was planning this trip, folks would inquire of me where my stops would be, and I would rattle off the list: Roanoke, VA, Nashville, Oklahoma City, Fort Worth, Jackson, MS, Atlanta, Seneca, SC … wait … Where??  Until I visited, Seneca, South Carolina was a random place, 2 hours northeast of Atlanta.   I know SO MUCH BETTER now, and something else I didn’t realize about Seneca is that it is one town away from Clemson, SC, home of Clemson University!

Jeannette and Ken showed me around area, and drove me through the Clemson campus.  The Clemson Tigers have their mark all over the area … several businesses (like the Waffle House below) have giant orange tiger paw prints emblazoned on them, and the road leading into campus also has the paw prints.  Kinda cool to see so much Clemson U. pride!

clemson waffle-house-jpg

Clemson road

My less-than-24-hours in SC went by in a flash, and both Jeannette and Ken were up with the birds to see me off!

Cute story … I am one of those crazy folks who habitually set clocks ahead.  My car’s clock is currently 36 minutes fast.  There is no logical reason WHY … my mother had a similar habit, and always had clocks set fast, so ….  Ken, is NOT one of those crazy folks.  Ken is very tech savvy and precise, and made it a point to tell me, just before we hit the hay the previous evening, that “the clock in your room MIGHT be a few seconds off.”  A few SECONDS???  I laughed out loud at that one!  Thanks, Ken!  You kept me on schedule!  🙂



Bye-bye, Jeannette!!  Lulu & I were SO HAPPY to get to spend time … hope to see you soon!

Next stops: Virginia, Philadelphia and HOME!!

“Georgia … Georgia … the whole day through …”

Yeah, it pretty much took the whole day through to get from Jackson, MS to Atlanta, Georgia.  LOL  But I knew that going in, and this day of driving held just as many gems as other days!


Lulu was feeling a bit playful on this day … we were sort of excited about traveling through Alabama.  I’d never seen ANY of the deep south, and getting this “glimpse” of the Southern US states was really kinda cool.

Of course the BEST PART of this whole trip was seeing my friends along the way … saw 5 sets of friends, and it was seriously like seeing the face of God 5 times over.  But my answer to the question some have asked me, “What was the best part of your DRIVE??” is “US Route 80 through mid Alabama!”  I chose to deviate from the Interstate, and have lunch in Montgomery, AL, instead of going through Birmingham on my way to Atlanta.

Turns out (and I had no idea, it was simply divine guidance), US 80 gives you a REAL TASTE of the state of Alabama!  I drove past mansions and poverty, farms and bogs, cattle grazing and horses running … I SAW the state.  I pulled all of the following photos from Google, but they are an EXCELLENT representation of what I experienced on the US 80 drive:


I drove smack through the center of Demopolis … it could have been Anytown, USA, so sweet!


Saw many crops growing, including the ever popular (except with me!) kale!

catfish farm

Went past several catfish farms!


Also drove through the center of Selma, AL, home of the famous Pettus Bridge, where the Montgomery / Selma Civil Rights walk took place.  Humbling.


The ambiance of my lunch stop (just west of Montgomery) left much to be desired … LOL … but the food was pretty good.  Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, The Internet … WHERE you lead me to go!  🙂

Shortly thereafter, we arrived at the Georgia state line …


… and before we knew it, we had arrived at the Omni Hotel, part of the CNN complex!  Here is the view FROM OUR ROOM …


Looking into the center of the complex!  So cool!

We had a wonderful time on the CNN Studio Tour … and the ticket agent totally saved the day!  I have been planning this trip since MARCH, and one of the ONLY THINGS I purchased in advance was my CNN Tour ticket.   I had all of my directions, addresses, reservations, etc. in a packet I was calling “my bible”, and on Wednesday (7/27) morning, I pulled out my ticket voucher for CNN.  It said, “CNN Studio Tour, Tuesday 7/26”.  What???????  HOW could I have misplanned that one???  The ticket agent just smiled, took the voucher, said, “No problem, I’ll switch it for you!”  Relief & happiness!


“Yay, Ticket Lady!  Can’t wait!!”

The tour was the right length (under an hour), and very informative.  I knew a lot of the “tv production” stuff already, but I highly recommend the tour!  Natch, it came with a “pose in front of a green screen photo op” moment:


“Lulu … what do you rate the CNN Studio Tours?” “10!”

And … in a perfect imitation of Disney … the tour spills out to the merchandise store.  Can you spot Lulu?




We got on the road not long after the tour, and had our shortest drive of the trip:  Only a little more than 2 hours to our next stop: South Carolina!