A Wedding in Boston, Massachusetts!


Lulu got to attend her first wedding!!  A stunningly beautiful bride and a handsome and funny groom (who is the son of Gerry’s cousin) got married at the “knock your socks off” Boston Seaport Hotel this weekend!    Lulu was afraid of being crushed, and therefore never went out onto the dance floor, but she had a grand time, as did the rest of us!


While in Boston, we visited Fanueil Hall Marketplace.  That’s one giant bowl of fruit!!  Lulu Fruit Salad!

Hillary  Bernie

And look who we ran into!!  Well ….. they were cardboard cutouts.  And, hey, it’s Boston … no Republican candidates were around.  LOL

JoyLulu got to meet Joy … a friend of mine from GRAMMAR SCHOOL (!!!)  We reconnected on Facebook a while back, and had a reunion at a cozy little Italian restaurant in the North End.  So much fun!  (Lulu’s a cheap date … lol)

Dad   E

We were able to spend some time with family over the weekend, and Lulu met my Dad, Jerry Ford, and my Godson, Evan!


Finally, on our way home, we stopped at one of my favorite places … “Traveler Food and Books” restaurant, right on the Massachusetts / Connecticut border.  Food is always great … and the hook is, they have tons & tons of cast away books, library donations, etc., and patrons are encouraged to take away a book or two (for FREE!!) on their way out.  So cute!