“Yeah, I’m goin’ to Jackson … Look out Jackson town!”

For all you Johnny Cash fans out there, you might recognize those lyrics … for everyone else, I’m here to tell you that they ARE actually lyrics! 🙂

I left Fort Worth on a Monday morning (… now THAT sounds like a lyric!), beginning my many miles journey home again.  First stop along the way: Jackson, Mississippi.

Interstate 20, with which I bonded, brought me past Dallas, a mere 30 miles away, and I planned to stop for lunch in Shreveport, Louisiana, right on the Louisiana / Texas border.

Lulu & I missed the “Welcome to …” sign … DANG!  I realized that, when you travel east to west, the exit numbers are descending, so it was really obvious when one is approaching a state line driving in that direction.  When traveling west to east, you must have pre-knowledge of exit numbers, or hope for the best. (Did you know that there are 635 exits on I-20 in Texas???)  Subsequently, this was the best we could do upon entering Louisiana:


We made it to our lunch destination, a funky little lunch counter place called Straun’s.  Whoever Mr. Straun is, he sure had some interesting DECORATING ideas.  LOL


This is one of several wall murals in Straun’s main dining room.  I’ve never taken any hallucinogenic drugs, but Straun’s gave me an idea of what it must be like.  LOL  Food was fine, though, and I was on my way again.

I stopped again for fuel a little while later, and gained one of my BEST “on the road” stories.  I was always trying to find a magnet from wherever I stopped to add to my collection.  I didn’t actually take a picture of the cashier inside this Shell station, but here’s a cartoon that comes close:


Here’s how the conversation went:

(as I walked in) Clerk: Do you know the zip code for Arcadia?
(I look around to see to whom she’s speaking — it’s only me)
Me: Do _I_ know? ::chuckle:: No, sorry.
Clerk: ::mumbles some numbers under her breath::
Me: (after glancing around) Do you have any magnets?
Clerk: No, Ma’am, we sure don’t. ::beat:: We have some KNIVES and some THROWIN’ STARS, if yer interested.
Me: Haha! … No, thanks.
Clerk: We’ve got some UNSHARPENED throwin’ stars, if you’re interested in something for a child.
Me: (LOL) No, no, I’m all set on the throwin’ stars.

Stopped for a bathroom break not too much later, and had to laugh at the name of the rest stop:


“Tallulah” is what I’ve named my GPS.  LOL  (Who knew that there’s a Tallulah, Louisiana??) And … good news!  Got my “Louisiana” magnet here.  🙂


We got to the Mississippi line before 3 PM, and then arrived at the Jackson, MS Marriot by around 5.


I didn’t even poke my nose out the door until the following morning, and it was VERY NICE … except for one thing:  I ordered breakfast to be delivered at 8:15 AM the following morning, BUT I got a knock on the door, and heard “Room Service” the next day at ::drumroll::  _6_:15 AM.  UGH!  It woke me up out of a dead sleep, and I didn’t have my wits about me to send it back.  They wound up comping the breakfast for the inconvenience … I was just wishing I could have recouped that lost 2 hours of sleep!!  LOL

Off the next morning!  Next stop: Rhymes with Flat Santa! LOL

“The Stars at night, are big & bright” …

::clap, clap, clap, clap::  … deep in the heart of Texas!!

heart of tx

Lulu was tickled to add another State Line to her photo album!


I arrived at my FURTHEST destination (… I keep saying “final”, but clearly it is not final, just my last before heading home again) by dinner time on Friday, and saw the face of my Angi!!  It was around visiting her that I began planning this trip, and I must say that my weekend in Fort Worth, Texas was OUTSTANDING!!

Angi and I have been like long lost sistah-friends, ever since we played sisters, back in 1997, in “The Porker Sisters”.

Porker program

I played “Boareen” (the pig on the top), and Angi played “Porcine” (the pig on the bottom.)  (And try as we might, neither of us could remember the name of the woman who played “Pigeen”, in the middle!)  Our “Sisterhood” bond is stronger than ever, and we cried happy tears at meeting, and then proceeded to laugh all weekend long. 🙂

Since it was our (Lulu & I) longest “sit down”, Fort Worth afforded me some rather leisurely sight seeing.  Lulu & I took in the National Cowgirl Museum, and really did it up!


Here we are with Annie Oakley ..^^


…and Lulu with two MORE photos of Annie Oakley … ^^


And with a statue in one of the galleries.  (ps~It’s against the rules to take photos here, but as Lulu & were the only two souls in the place, I bended them a little.)

But the piece de la resistance was the Bronco Buster.

Things you need to know about my Bronco Ride at the National Cowgirl Museum:
1. (LOL) It took me a solid 5 minutes to hoist myself up on the bronco.
2. Part of those 5 minutes was SPENT LOL-ing.
3. I didn’t QUITE get how it worked … didn’t realize I was being filmed, and thought at any moment the bronco would start to buck wildly. (It never did.)
4. Subsequently, if you can read lips, you’ll see me say, “I hope I don’t fall off!” during the course of the Lolo & Lulu portion of the video.
5. When I was getting off the bronco, I caused the saddle to shift all the way to the side.
6. Fortunately, I was the only person in the whole museum, so I’m sure they had time to fix it before the next person came along. Next Thursday.

Here’s the tiny movie: (click on the blue words BRONCO RIDE)


(I am still laughin’ about that silly thing!)


After that, Lulu wanted to ride solo.  Who can blame her??  LOL

Angi & Dow were COMPLETELY sweet about giving me a “Welcome” gift basket upon my arrival!!!  (Really???)  Long story short, Angi had to work during part of the day on Saturday, so in the basket was a gift card for the local movie theater!  It was one of those “have lunch while seeing the movie” places, so I enjoyed a salad while watching …

ghostbusters-620x349Who’re ya gonna call??

It had its’ moments … they’re all so darn funny!  I was pleasantly surprised that “Ghostbusters” (2016) wasn’t as awful as the reviews it received.

Back to meet up with Angi, for a WONDERFUL dinner, cooked by Dow, her husband, and later we were off to do one of my favorite things …


Karaoke!!  At this total dive bar called Sarah’s Place, where people take their karaoke SERIOUSLY!!  We all sang, including Angi’s friend, Twila (Lulu sat out, but clapped a LOT!), and really enjoyed the evening!

Church early the next AM, and then Angi, Dow & I had a serious discussion about the possibility of going to the Fort Worth Stockyards that afternoon.  The problem??  It was 103 degrees in the shade.  I wasn’t up for walkin’ around ANYWHERE when it’s that hot … but Dow made it happen!


We started out having lunch at Cooper’s Old Time Pit Barbecue … totally Texas (huge) & totally Southern (BBQ like you would not believe.)  My favorite was the grilled corn on the cob, and the bbq ribs were a close second!


Just everyone in the world wants to pose with that lil gal, Lulu!  Angi & Dow were no exception.  Gotta stop here and SHOUT MY PRAISES about Dow!  Perfect for Angi … they’ve been married 11 years, and still in love … he’s a MAN’S MAN, a gentleman, interesting, a great audience, and an even greater cook!!  Thank you, Dow, for marrying my friend, and for being such a great host!  I would have been SEVERELY disappointed if you’d gone to visit your sister while I was town!!

FW stockyard train

During the few moments we braved the heat to step into a few of the shops in the Ft. Worth Stock Yard area, this train appeared.  A tourist train that journeys a very short distance, it was impressive to see.

Angi was telling me, “Every afternoon they do a cattle drive down the middle of the street in this part of town … Yeah, like _4_ cows come amblin’ down the street.  That’s the cattle drive.”  LOL  We didn’t stick around to see it, (Angi, “Plus they smell to high heaven”  LOL), but I found a photo online:


(I actually think I count 6 cows in this photo, but I got Angi’s point.  LOL)

Then it was time to head back to Dow & Angi’s place, and use their pool!!  I will admit that, although the water was on the warm side, it was refreshing, and delightful to have a little GF time!


There’s my girl, soakin’ up them rays!!!!  Who does NOT love them some Angi Seagraves????

Dow & Angi live in a BEAUTIFUL part of Fort Worth, quite near this bridge …

In the blue light after sunset. the Seventh Street Bridge in Fort Worth connects the downtown area with the cultural district for both cars and pedestrians. In the distance is the Ft. Worth skyline.
In the blue light after sunset. the Seventh Street Bridge in Fort Worth connects the downtown area with the cultural district for both cars and pedestrians. In the distance is the Ft. Worth skyline.

And this is the view of Downtown from their apartment balcony:


Just a beautiful place to be!  Monday morning came all too quickly, and I was off again … beginning many more days on the road home again.  But I will never ever forget this wonderful weekend with my friend!   Until next time, dear Angi!

unbio sister

“We know we belong to the land … and the land we belong to is grand!”

OooooooooooooooK-lahoma, where the _____________  (finish the lyric … everybody else has! LOL).  WHAT a lovely time we had in the 46th state!!   Thank you many times over to my host, the beautiful, talented, shining and amazing Ms. Marcie Fay Barrett Falcone!!!  She & her 4 children are the stars of this post, as they brought me everywhere in Oklahoma City!  So glad I could see Marcie (after all this time), and finally meet her two sets of twins (Fay and Pete, 8, and Michael and Aidan, 12.)  The older boys “don’t do” photos, but they made the visit perfect just by virtue of meeting them!

Arkansas sign

When last we met, Lulu & I had left Memphis, and were headed to OKC.  Lulu was skunked when it came to posing with the “Welcome to Arkansas” sign, as it occurs when one crosses over the Mississippi River, on Interstate 40, going with 70 MPH.  (**IMPORTANT NOTE TO MY FOLLOWERS** – I unequivocally did NOT take this photo while driving!  I scooped it from Google images. 🙂


Between bathroom stops and filling station stops (and a 20-minute nap along the way, when I had JUST hit the wall), the 467 miles between Memphis and Oklahoma City pretty much ate up the day.  Here we are at the Oklahoma state line, with just over 183 miles to go, and the sun had begun its’ descent!

After driving for WAY TOO MANY HOURS, Lulu & I finally showed up at Marcie & company’s! (We barely made it before dark, but we MADE IT!)  I took this photo on my way out of the neighborhood 2 days later … I only WISH I could have captured my arrival with 8-year-olds Fay & Pete, jumping up & down in the driveway!!  🙂


Thursday was my one FULL DAY in Oklahoma City, and we sure did MAKE IT COUNT!!   We had lunch in OKC’s legendary Cattleman’s!  Here’s Lulu with THE Cattleman.  Love the mural in the background!


20160721_134555_1469213199139  11417_1469213199719

Pete and Fay were quite tickled to pose with Lulu at the drop of a cowboy hat!  And Lulu was as horrified as I was to see the delicacy on Cattleman’s menu:  11418_1469213199761 Lamb Fries (< aka testicles)

Noooooooooooooooooo thank you!!

Next stop was the American Banjo Museum!!  (And let me stop here & say how much I appreciate the minimal grousing by the Falcone offspring, as Miss Marcie & I drug ’em all over creation for the benefit of my sight-seeing!)

The American Banjo Museum was small but entertaining!  I was highly impressed by the sheer volume of banjos available for viewing, as well as a few for playing!

20160721_150240_1469213274200Lulu can really relate to Miss Marilyn!


“These are my two favorite banjo players!” exclaimed Lulu.

20160721_151150_1469213274518Fay, mugging with Lulu wearing the gold dress!


Fay being Fay … and making us laugh for DAYS!


The Steve Martin exhibit was really awesome!


Marcie & I (and Lulu) in the museum lobby.  American Banjo Museum.  Who knew???  🙂

20160721_165959-1_1469281128038 11466

Next, we drove over a large portion of the Oklahoma City outskirts, including farmland belonging to Marcie’s aunt.  Along this road, Marcie suggested we stop & take some pictures of “the sunflower patch”.   This “patch” is ___ONE HUNDRED ACRES___  of sunflowers!!!!!  Lulu was delighted to perch on one of the tall, beautiful flowers!


After returning home, and having my head spin while watching Marcie tote various kids to piano lessons, tutoring, arrange for basketball pickup, fixing dinner, etc. … we went back out again, and journeyed to the downtown area to view the Oklahoma City National Memorial, a place of quiet reflection, honoring victims, survivors, rescuers and all who were changed forever on April 19, 1995 due to an office building that was bombed.

As funny as this blog can be, sometimes a serious tone is in order which is why Lulu stayed safely tucked away during our visit to the memorial.  It is a beautiful and somber place.


Words unnecessary.


Thank you, my DEAR, DEAR Miss Marcie, for a WONDERFUL few days in Oklahoma City!  I will never forget this trip BECAUSE OF YOU!

Next (and FINAL!) stop on the Big Road Trip:  Fort Worth, TX!!

Drop kick me, Jesus, through the goal post of life!

Sticking with the song lyric theme, that particular lyric is from Nunsense, and the song “I Could Have Gone to Nashville”.  Welp … now Lulu & I _HAVE_ gone to Nashville!!

Many thanks to Sue & Eric Broder, the parents of one of the little kids with whom I appeared in the Kenny Rogers Christmas show, back in 1998 (!!)  Now 18 years later, their 3 children are all moved out, and these two empty nesters — mainly Sue! — went OUT OF THEIR WAY to plan & insure our brief visit to Nashville was as OUTSTANDING as it was!


(C’mon, FOCUS, Lulu!! hee hee)  The last time I was at this particular location on I-81 was a few years ago, and I had no idea that I would be passing through the tiny corner of Tennessee on my way to N. Carolina, and was WEEPING while driving, because I thought I was going the wrong way.  (Turns out, I was not.)  THIS TIME, I INTENDED to drive to Tennessee, and Lulu was more than pleased to pose with the “Welcome to…” sign.

We arrived in Nashville mid afternoon, and hit the ground running!  A tour of the MAGNIFICENT Gaylord Opryland Hotel, dinner at the lovely & trendy 5th & Taylor, and we ended the evening on Broadway Street in downtown Nashville, home to scads of “honky tonk joints”.  Lulu loved the giant cowboy boot!



We went inside “Roberts Western World” to listen to the last few songs of a set of the band there.  Truly AWESOME local flavor stuff.

Day Two began early with a trip to the Ryman Auditorium, the original location of the Grand Ol’ Opry!  Such a GREAT gem of a place, and so happy that I took the advice (of MANY, including my Nashville host, Sue), and toured the Ryman instead of the current Opry.


Lulu was very happy to make the acquaintance of Roy Acuff and Minnie Pearl! 🙂

Lulu helped me “Make A Record at the Ryman!” … sang my signature karaoke tune, “Walkin’ After Midnight”!


Here’s how we sounded!

^^^ (Click “play” to hear the recording!) It was so much fun!  After the tour, we went by the cafe for a quick bite … and, don’t tell Lulu, but it’s actually called “Cafe Lul_a_“, named after Lula Naff, the woman who ran the Ryman after Thomas Ryman died.  It was a fun place to visit from start to finish!


A WHIRLWIND driving tour ALL AROUND Nashville (Thank you again, Sue!!!), which lead to our next stop … Cheekwood.  Sue had recommended it, and turns out it’s a FASCINATING place to visit!!  Mr. Cheek was heir to the Maxwell House coffee fortune, and this mansion / museum is quite something!  Lulu was DYING to hop out of my purse,  and do her “Michelle Pfeiffer on the piano” impression …

20160719_152709_1469105644381 20160719_152810_1469105644534

We made it happen!  Then it was back to the house for a nap (I needed one more than Lulu did!  LOL), and we planned the evening …

A local BBQ joint for ribs … 20160719_184340_1469115796006

(“Can _I_ have a Wonder Woman outfit like that, Lolo?” “NO!”  … LOL)

And the final event was at a place called “The Station Inn” (I was tagging myself there on social media, and it kept coming up as the “World Famous Station Inn”.)


… and, although I described it as looking more like the basement of a VFW hall and less “world famous”, it has been the venue for hundreds of country legends’ performances!  The one we saw, “The Doyle & Debbie Show” was an hysterical parody of country music and country singers!  Never would have thought of going to see this, but would go back as many times as possible!  LOVED IT!


The next morning brought a VERY EARLY START, as my final Wednesday destination was Oklahoma City … but Lulu & I made our way across the rest of Tennessee in time to have lunch at Graceland in Memphis!


We didn’t take the tour (much to the disappointment of many friends — ya never know, I may get back here someday!), but we had lunch across the street in the Graceland visitor center.


We promise to stay connected, Elvis!  (Someone told me that he works as a fry cook in Jackson, MS.  Is that true????  😉

Next stop, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOklahoma, where the wind comes whippin’ cross the plain!!!

From the mountains, to the prairies, to the oceans white with foam!

Today began my 14 days of travel over a LARGE portion of our great country, but my post begins with YESTERDAY:


Today these gals Margaret and her Mom, Catherine (and her husband / Margaret’s dad, Carl) left on a jet plane for Oregon, where they will relocate.  Catherine is a truly FINE Alto, and not only sang in choir with me, but has been a fabulous friend over the last many, many years.  No such thing as a coincidence that my trip is starting on the same day as their beginning of their new life.  Lulu wanted “IN” on this photo!!  Bon Voyage, Turso Family!!!


This morning, Lulu & I posed in front of the yard, next to Zippy (… my car).  The sun was in my eyes, and there was a horsefly the size of a robin hovering nearby, so this is not the best photo of us (… “of YOU!” says Lulu …) LOL but we got on the road a little after 8 AM!

We traveled through 5 states …. New Jersey …



(Camera focus is an issue, because although I pull off to the side of the road to snap the pictures, we don’t get outta the car.)



Yes, it’s true!  Look at a map.  Or don’t, and just trust me: When one travels west & then south to travel this route, you go through the north-western most SLIVER of Maryland.  9 exits on I-81, to be exact.

West Virgina:


Ditto, to West Virginia … we slid through a north-easterly tab of W. Virginia.  In this state, I stopped at a gas station / convenience store to fill up the tank, and use the facility.  WHY, pray tell, did the gentleman in the only restroom not only NOT LOCK the door, he left it ajar???  Awkward moment for me, and I ran out PDQ.  Ugh.  West Virginia, man.

and Virginia:


LOL  Lulu was getting a little loopy posing with the “Welcome To …” signs.  (Suck it up, Buttercup, you’ve got MANY MORE to pose with!  LOL)  I laughed when Miss Waze announced, “Stay straight on Route 81 South for 4 hours.”  LOL  Yup.

Tonight we recharge our batteries by pretty much laying around the hotel room in Roanoke, VA.  Pretty surroundings!

Tomorrow we head to Tennessee!!

Then, … you get off the train at Niagara for the 14th Time …!

My title today refers to a lyric from the musical “Guys and Dolls” … however, none of us (Gerry, Lulu or I) had even been to Niagara even once! 🙂

We arrived on a Sunday night, but were staying in a B&B a little north of the Canadian side of the Falls, so we didn’t even SEE THEM until the next morning, but just crashed instead.

The following day, we purchased a 48 hour pass for a bus system ticket for only $12 Canadian (about 10 bucks), and it was the BEST. THING. EVAH!


This bus ran often & timely, and went EVERYWHERE we wanted / needed to go!  We were staying just half a block from the “Bed and Breakfast” stop!  There were a few small snafus … involving waits — and an usually early stop time (10:15 PM) … but overall, the best bargain in town!

Oh, and yes … stay at the Canadian side, if you visit.  I’d heard this from several people, but only a day before I went did I “get it”: When one is on the American side of the Falls, you are BEHIND the Falls, but on the Canadian side, you are LOOKING AT the Falls.  If you’re going to travel somewhere to look at a bunch of water, it seems to make more sense to be someplace where you may properly view them, yes?


Yes, that big white blur behind Lulu & I would be the Horseshoe (aka Canadian) Falls.  I also found out that there are TWO Falls … the American Falls & the Horseshoe Falls.


Lulu wanted a “selfie” with the Falls!


The mist fascinated Lulu!  Frankly, watching the water really _never_ gets old … but this spot did stink a little bit like pee, so we moved along.  All that water, I guess …. :-o!


Lulu never passes up an opportunity to pose with EVERYONE!


(She can be something of a Rule Breaker at times, though!) 😉

We saw a very interesting IMAX movie about the history & lore of Niagara.  Stories about Native Americans, and dramatizations of some of the crackpots who tried going down the Falls, and an amazing rescue of one kid who accidentally went over after a boating accident.  The “Daredevil Museum” afterward, however, was not exactly the most impressive thing I’ve ever seen … should have been called the “Daredevil Room” based on its meager size, but there were a few cool artifacts that Lulu found her way on.  LOL



I think that Lulu would have been a much more pleasant companion for Annie Taylor than that poor kitten she dragged in there with her!!!  (and ps~the dramatization of the Annie Taylor story was [unintentionally] hysterical!!)

On Full Day Two, we began by arriving at the WeGo bus stop about 30 minutes before it began running.  We probably would have just waited, but it was quite hot & humid … AND an air conditioned bus going in the opposite direction on our line happened along, so we decided to just hop on, and see what was up there.  As it was relatively early, the bus was not at all crowded, and it was time for Lulu to take an Homage to Starfish shot.


Explanation: My pal Tom kept a running FaceBook photo album, dedicated to “Starfish on the Road”. In an effort to share with his young niece some geography lessons, he’d pose Starfish in various places & situations, based on where he’d traveled on various tours.  I was forever intrigued AND entertained by the Starfish photos, and remember laughing a LOT at this particular shot (taken on the Seattle Monorail).  Lulu on the bus is complete and ultimate homage to Starfish … even though — there she goes again, rule breaking (NO STANDING ON THE SEATS)!!   I got the idea for Traveling Lulu from Starfish, and I’m glad Tom’s down with imitation being the sincerest form of flattery! 🙂




A few more “close encounters with the Falls” … on the boat ride (called “Hornblower”, not “Maid of the Mist” as it is on the American side), and a very cool walking tour called “Journey Behind the Falls” (above), where you get up close & personal with the water.  Lulu opted to stay in the bag AND under the poncho for these experiences … no chance for hair repair on this remote!


We did, however, find these two guys, in a shop called “Heroes and Legends”, who were VERY HAPPY to pose with Lulu!  This small storefront sells Niagara historical items, maps, etc. and apparently also offers history tours, in authentic Revolutionary War garb.    They were great!  … and when it was suggested that our request must have been the oddest they’d received, we were told of a time when one received a marriage proposal from the father of a well-to-do young lady.  Lulu, however, is NOT the marrying kind!  LOL


That evening, we traveled to the outskirts of Niagara Falls proper, to a dinner theater performance of a show called, “Oh Canada, Eh?”  (LOLOL)  It was as kitschy and silly and corny as one may imagine, but the performers were funny and talented and lively, and the food was good!  Family style eating & serving was a slight challenge seated at a table along with 6 Japanese nationals who spoke extremely (read: none) limited English, but we had a great time!  Our waitress (aka Susie, aka Anne of Green Gables) and her friend, the Canadian Mountie, happily posed with Lulu.  Fun times!


We ended our evening on the SkyWheel, and had some terrific views of the Falls at night.  Photos weren’t the greatest, but it was a really nice way to end the evening!


Thanks, Lulu!  Another fantastic trip!!

Until next time …


“Live with Kelly, Lolo, Lulu, LeeLee, KaKa, DreDre and BP”! :)


I had tickets for “Live with Kelly” on Thursday, and invited our dear friend, David to join me.  As it was David’s birthday, I was so happy when he agreed!!

I know Kelly Ripa isn’t everybody’s favorite, but Lulu & I like her a lot. 🙂  David & I enjoyed the show … Guillermo Diaz (??? — I guess he’s known to “Scandal” fans, but not to us) was her “co-host of the day”, and the daily bill was rounded out with Queen Latifah, Laverne Cox, and Adam Richman.  Upon leaving the building, we walked right into Adam doing a photo op!


But the most enjoyable part of the show was after it was done, and Kelly had to do some promo taping for an upcoming show featuring the cast of the “Ghostbusters.”  For one, Kelly was directed to focus directly on where David & I sat, and he was doing some ghost-like gestures.  “Sir,” said Kelly to David, “you will be my ghost!”  The promo was filmed, with David making all sorts of boo’s and ooo’s and hand wavings … and when “Cut!” was called, Kelly said, “That was AMAZING!!  What is your name???” “David!”  “David, can YOU be next co-host???  You just gave me SO MUCH for that clip as the ghost!!!”  Of course, I hadda holler down, “It’s David’s birthday today!”, and Kelly fawned further.  So much fun!!

After the show, we met up with another old friend, Karen (aka “KaKa”  LOL), and had lunch at Big Nick’s, an old haunt of mine from when my friend Mark lived in the neighborhood.

Here’s David (VanLeesten aka “LeeLee”) and Karen with Lulu at the restaurant:


“Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold.”  These two are both … and they’re diamonds in the rough, too!!

We parted ways after lunch, and I made my way downtown to connect with another dear one … my friend Andree, who was only in NYC for a few days with her little boy, prior to their departure for a European trip.  They were not only willing to pose with Lulu, they added more characters!

20160707_151223Have a wonderful time in Scotland, “Dre Dre” and BP!   Thanks for being a part of my “Kelly” day!  Lulu & I know you’ll enjoy your travels!  🙂

Family Time! “Off to Massachusetts”

This last week I’ve been in Massachusetts … my sister Jeanne & her family & my Dad are in Methuen, and my sister Alison is in Manchester NH, so I try to get up to see them as often as possible.  Sometimes difficult during the school year, but love to stay for many days during the summer!

This little ditty plays in my head often when making the ride up there … an oft forgotten “throw away” song from the musical “Little Women”, but not altogether any surprise, my favorite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zn49h9Dwpc

Arrived on a Sunday afternoon, and Lulu & I accompanied my sister, Jeannie to a fund raiser on Monday night.  Her employee’s boyfriend, Mr. Jajuga Jr., is running for Sheriff of Essex County.

Lulu MA 1

(You can tell that Jeannie is humoring me, and saying with clenched teeth, “Take the picture already!”  FYI,  Lulu was unceremoniously FLUNG in my direction a nanosecond later.  LOL)


Lulu & I (and Craig, Mary and Di) REALLY enjoyed the presentation of the documentary, “Broadway, the Golden Age” on Tuesday night!  What a fabulous piece of film, which captures so, so many former & current Broadway LEGENDS.  WONDERFUL!!  Less wonderful were the sweet gentlemen who attempted a “talkback” & “Q & A” …  I definitely got the distinct feeling that most of the audience were better informed than either of them.  To be fair, one of the guys, a theatre professor, was rather engaging and informative … but the other … well … let’s just say that his portion of the talkback began by him consulting a small notebook, and announcing a 5 minute long list of the Broadway stars whom he has NOT interviewed.  D’oh!!


On Thursday, it was QUITE a day!  I spent the earlier part of the day taking my Godson, Evan, to Canobie Lake Park!  Always a lovely time.  Lulu really enjoyed the beautiful breeze atop the Ferris wheel!!  We even got a chance to see the Lady Gaga Tribute Show.  (Ummmm …)  Always fun spending time together.  🙂


Had a ball introducing Lulu to some of my oldest and dearest friends … Jean & I go all the way back to High School, and Di since Keene State.  Di hosted a fun night at her house … made some great grub, and we kicked back and watched my DVD of “Moon Over Buffalo”.  More importantly … these gals are like family to me, too, and ALWAYS a great treat to spend time!!


Of course, my sister’s dog, Velvet, loves to see Auntie Lulu (and Little Lulu, too!).  Don’t even ASK how I was able to achieve this shot!!  LOL


Got to spend some precious moments with my baby sis, Alison this week, too!  Doesn’t she look FABULOUS!!!  <3


And my heart belongs to Daddio … There he is, on the right, along with two of his siblings.  Aunt Marie (center) was staying for the following week to pet-sit Velvet, and Uncle Jack stopped by on his way up to “north country”, as he calls it. 😉  Jackie, upon learning of this blog, wondered if Lolo & Lulu might be going to LaLa Land?  LOL  He also told me today that he meant to bring me a small stuffed panda, so that I could have LingLing along on the journey.  LOL  Nuthin’ but love for the Fords!!


There’s Lulu … peeking out of her carrying case (aka my purse) … ready & awaiting our next adventure!

Until then …!!

Philly — Old friends, No Cheesesteaks

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Lulu & I traveled to Philadelphia, met up with my old pal, Skylar, and the three of us journeyed to Walnut Street Theater in downtown Philly.  We had the ABSOLUTE PRIVILEGE to see my girl, Dan’yelle Williamson play “Deloris” in their “Sister Act – the Musical”.  Lemme tell you … Dan’yelle has had FIERCE talent since we shared a dressing room for “Show Boat” at the New London Barn Summer Theatre … but she was absolutely incredible in this role and show!  She sounded spectacular, played the role to perfection, and is stunningly more beautiful in every scene!  If you are in Philly, and are thinking about it … the show runs until July 17, and YOU SHOULD SEE IT!  You will be thoroughly entertained!

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Lulu LOVED the show … she tapped her foot and clapped & sang the whole show! 🙂

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We awaited the arrival of Dan’yelle after the show!


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Skylar was happy to pose with Lulu after the show, while we enjoyed a meal at the local diner.  Made the waitress burst out laughing when she saw Sky posing for this!  🙂

Bye – Bye, Philadelphia!  On to our next summer destination!